Water-saving toilets can do a lot for the environment. Toilets that biodegrade after a few years would be another great invention (
biodegradeable ceramics are already used in medicine). Why oh why do people have to dump them in the countryside? Is there some Taiwanese superstition connected to toilets, like there is with dead cats?
It is bad to see all those dumped porcelain toilets. Though some of them get recycled.
I wonder if littering is a characteristic of Chinese/ Taiwanese culture. Seems that littering is rampant in Greater China. As a Chinese-American friend once said to me, "What parts of US cities are the dirtiest? Chinatown."
Hope that does not sound racist -- but it really does seem that there is a real lack of a sense of public environmental cleanliness amongst the Chinese / Taiwanese...
Some other things spring to mind: Plastic bags everywhere; bettlenut juice and boxes on the road; dog poo everywhere...
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