Scientists have been experimenting with biodegradable plastic bags made partly of coconut fiber. Also, here in South Taiwan, coconut fiber mats have been used on slopelands to hold soil in place until plants and trees have taken root; this was done along the banks of the Love River.
I'm curious: Was the coconut fiber imported or grown here in Taiwan? How efficiently are the coconut palms used? According to some sources, nearly all parts of the coconut palm are useful.
In terms of health, though, is it sanitary to use that brush without soup to kill germs? Thinking of the high rates of hepatitis (ok, that's a virus - but soap can attack that too?) in Taiwan.
Thanks for the feedback.
Can hepatitis A survive in dry conditions? I think not, but I'm not sure. I think it needs water (or blood or other fluids) to survive. If the dishes are dried properly before being reused, they should be sanitary.
I'm no epidemiologist but I seem to recall that some bugs can survive quite a long time encased or "hibernating" in dry areas.
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